i Net2
Delivering the Wonders of a Single |
On the left you see a terrible example of cellular antennas gone
awry. This big, ugly mess covers a range of about one mile
for all carriers. Contrast that to our vision on the right of several much smaller (about the height of a male professional basketball player) green, energy conserving solar panels, with a battery and Wi-Fi Wireless Access Point mounted on the back, short antennas peeking over the top. These would be placed along the roadside on property lines about every 400 feet where we break out of the ground to offer Fiber To The Premises, providing a canopy of wireless coverage. Mobile in iNet2.Tv's coverage area, you can be connected! |
No ugly overhead cables; no "family grave yards" along the road, either. iNet2.Tv will bury its lines and other equipment.